Windows Generate Ssh Key Powershell

To generate SSH public and private key pairs on Windows, one of the easiest tools to use, is the PuTTY Key Generator “puttygen.exe” (which can be downloaded from here).
The resulting generated files from the PuTTY Key Generator can be used to set up public key authentication with a remote server, allowing for more secure authentication over normal password based authentication (requires disabling password based authentication).
Download the PuTTY Key Generator
You can download puttygen from the following url:
Run puttygen.exe
When puttygen has loaded you will be presented with a screen such as this:
Generate the public and private keys
Click the “Generate” button on the main window to start the process of generating the key data.
While this is happening, you will need to move your mouse around in the blank area at the top of the application. This is used to help randomize the data used to generate the keys.
Once the progress bar has gone through, the public and private key data will have been generated, and you are ready to save the keys.
Saving the public and private keys
Public Key:
Simply press the “Save public key” button. This will be used on the remote host you want to be able to connect into remotely, using the private key.
Private Key:
You have the option to enter a passphrase if you want to make the key more secure. Enter that in, and the confirmed passphrase.
After thats done (or if you dont want to use a passphrase), simply press the “Save private key” button. Store this key in a safe place.
Using the private key in PuTTY
For information on how to use the private key file in PuTTY, please check the following page:
Using SSH Private Key Files with PuTTY

Running the Command Prompt 'as Administrator'

July 23, 2012

Software RAID1 Mirroring on Windows 2008

March 28, 2012
  1. Since ssh-copy-id isn’t implemented on the OpenSSH port for Windows (because it’s a bash script), I wanted to replicate that functionality so that I could easily copy ssh user keys to systems, consistently and easily. So I implemented this functionality as PowerShell.
  2. file is your public key, and the other file is the corresponding private key. If you don’t have these files (or you don’t even have a.ssh directory), you can create them by running a program called ssh-keygen, which is provided with the SSH package on Linux/macOS systems and comes with Git for Windows.
  3. Since ssh-copy-id isn’t implemented on the OpenSSH port for Windows (because it’s a bash script), I wanted to replicate that functionality so that I could easily copy ssh user keys to systems, consistently and easily. So I implemented this functionality as PowerShell.

Login With Password

Creating an SSH key on Windows 1. Check for existing SSH keys. You should check for existing SSH keys on your local computer. You can use an existing SSH key with Bitbucket Server if you want, in which case you can go straight to either SSH user keys for personal use or SSH access keys for system use. Open a command prompt, and run. To generate an SSH key in Windows 10: Ensure the Windows 10 OpenSSH client is installed. Run “ssh-keygen” in Command Prompt and follow the instructions to generate your key. Applies to Windows 10.

  1. Workgroup users
    • ssh user@host
  2. Domain users: Prior to v7.7.0.0, domain needs to be explicitly specified. Any of the following formats work
    • ssh -l user@domain host
    • ssh domainuser@host
    • ssh user@domain@host
    • ssh user@host (works from v7.7.0.0 onwards provided user has no conflicts otherwise - ex. user exists both on local account data base and on domain)

Login With SSH Keys

Usage from client-side (ssh)

  1. Generate a key pair on the client (preferably with a passphrase):
    • ssh-keygen -t rsa -f id_rsa
  2. Register private key with ssh-agent (optional, for single sign-on experience)
    • net start ssh-agent
    • ssh-add id_rsa
  3. Login using private key
    • ssh -i .id_rsa user@host (workgroup user)
    • ssh -i .id_rsa -l user@domain host (domain user)
Generate ssh key powershell

Setup server-side (sshd)

  1. Append contents of (client's public key) to the following file in corresponding user's directory %systemdrive%Users<user>.sshauthorized_keys (create one if needed).
  2. Double check access permissions on authorized_keys (only System, Administrators and owner can have access).icacls %systemdrive%Users<user>.sshauthorized_keys

Login using Kerberos Authentication

Setup server-side

Windows 10 Ssh Add Key

  1. On a domain joined server, set GSSAPIAuthentication to yes in sshd_config

Usage on a domain joined Windows client logged in as domain user

  • ssh -K host

Please note you have to use the hostname instead of the username.

For Unix and Linux users

Windows 10 Generate Ssh Key Powershell

Dead rising 3 key generator. The Modern Unix Rosetta Stone includes PowerShell examples of common Unix and Linux commands.

Windows Create Ssh Key Powershell

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